Customer blog

Last blog I talked about Rodney. This time I'd like to talk about Jonny. He is a customer that started coming in because of Rodney, he's Rodney's best friend.

I actually grew up down the street from Jonny and his wife. They lived in a tiny little shack at the end of our street and we were always afraid of them. Not because they were mean, but because they were different. They were middle aged and it didn't seem like they cared about how they looked or how their house looked. Now that I'm older I can understand that. They are who they are and don't really care what people think.

They didn't have a lot of money and did what they could. Several years ago Jonny's wife died. What I have learned since is that she was his caretaker. She took care of the money, the house work and everything. His job was to go to work, make the money and take care of his wife financially and mentally. They loved each other, it's something you can't see when you're young, but I know that now. I didn't really know Jonny until he started coming in here and my aunt pointed out he worked with her.

When his wife died, my aunt and her co-workers took him under their wing when they discovered just how lost he was without his wife. He didn't know anything about a check book, or bank accounts, or cleaning, or even the answering machine. His wife did everything like that. So they took their time and showed him how to balance a check book, where his money was supposed to go, what bills he had, and how to work the answering machine. They made him self sufficient.

As I've gotten to know Jonny I've realized he does the same thing for everyone he knows. If they are hard up for money, he gives them money or buys them the things they need to survive. If they are lonely he has a party, if his friends are out of work he hires them to work on his house that he has completely transformed in the last three years. He'd rather pay his friends than the crazy contractors he had hired. His friends are very loyal to him and help out when they are needed. He brings companionship to each of them, each of them that seems like social outcasts find solace at Jonny's.

Jonny enjoys his baseball. He stays busy most of the time but if there is a good baseball game on he's not to be found anywhere but his recliner watching the game. He works seven days a week and doesn't complain unless he's been on vacation for a week, then he doesn't want to go back. Who can blame him? He has a heart of gold and is very generous and supportive, he's good people.

Jonny told me one night he would rather pay a few extra bucks to help keep me in business because he'd rather come here and be treated like a human being than go to a chain store and be treated like a dollar amount, that and my prices are so great he saves money!! ; ) He's not happy with a decision until he's really thought it out and tried everything. He's currently looking for a church to attend and has nearly attended every church in town and is narrowing his choices down. He's a very complete thinker.

I enjoy helping Jonny, he has become a very good customer. Beer, milk, bread, chips and deli meat and somtimes candy. Jonny is fun to talk to, and while he likes his plaid pants he is still so much fun. People are scared off by the pants or his semi bad teeth, but behind all that is a man who would do anything for you and is so much fun to talk to.

Jonny is da man.


  1. I think you are a lot like Johnny
    I also think you would look spectacular in plaid pants.
    I don't think those two things are unrelated


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