Labor Day Weekend

What a great weekend I had. It is just what I needed after the last week or so. The picture you see to the left is one I took on the putt putt course. B, D and S and I had great fun battling it out on the putt putt course, just where battles should be fought.

The torn and fading astro turf...or so we decided, the bad lighting in the evening, the fake rocks screwing up a great shot and D forcing his turn out of place made for a really great day.

I left Saturday evening for my weekend of fun and organizing and packing. What made this weekend greater than the other weekends was I only had a pay someone to watch the store for a mere two hours, since I closed today (Labor Day), so it helped me save some money for the trip which made it so nice, I also didn't have to worry about someone else running the place for a whole day. Everyone I've had here does such a great job it hasn't been a big worry, but at the same time it's always on my mind. This time I was able to just totally enjoy the time and the company.

I took off Saturday evening and swung out to job site number 1 of the projects I've done, job site #2 won't really be going until next spring, but job #1 is going well.

I mean, tell me that the view out that window won't be beautiful! It is one of four windows in the Master Bedroom looking out onto the yard and pond. There is no one behind them, no one beside them, nothing but woods and farm land. How do I know there won't be people building behind them? It's the family farm and it's being secured for many years to come to remain as farm land. There was only one change in the house from what I had drawn. After they had walked through the framed house, they didn't really like the space for the guest toilet, so after moving a wall or two they are happy with the layout. I must say that that was part of the layout I didn't change from the original they gave me, had they let me change it it wouldn't have needed to be changed, but not everyone can see things in 3d like I can, so they had to stand in the space before they realized what was wrong.

The project is going well, and I'm happy. Hopefully I can get project #2 moving soon, we keep going back and forth with changes and such, I hope to have it completed this winter, after I get paid they can change whatever they want in the field, it will be beyond me at that point. :)

So after I got the pictures I headed out and took a new route, and it cut nearly 40 miles off of my trip, I was so freakin happy! The drive down is always nice because it gives me time to myself to think and just general quiet decompressing time, which I need from time to time. I enjoy thinking about the future, the past and things that are happening in the present, it gives me perspective and rebuilds my hope, and my faith.

So anyway I got down there while it was still daylight, so I didn't get to have my same thrill as I come over the top of the hill just a few miles from 275 and see the city lights appear before me, but it was still beautiful. I had arrived at B's house just a few minutes before D, when D arrived I took my stuff in and we hung out and talked. D and I don't get much of a chance to talk much by ourselves anymore. We lived together for 2 years in college and we spent a lot of time talking back then, it was nice to reconnect again all these years later. We have talked quite a bit since then, but we never have the time to just kick back and catch up and talk, it was nice. We headed for a couple of drinks at the B down the street and then he dropped me back off so I could read and relax and wait for B to get home from the concert.

B was so excited about the concert....aka Adam Levine, so we talked for a bit and then we both crashed, it was a long day for both of us. For those that don't know, I sleep on the floor in the living room, so get your minds out of the gutter....just to clear that up.

Sunday we woke up and headed off to church. She has a really nice church filled with very happy and energetic people, it's the one place I can still drink coffee without freaking me out because it's still early and it helps me keep pace with some of the people there. ;) They are all very wonderful and kind and it's always a good service. It was the end of a sermon series and while I felt it lacked an energetic ending, it had some great messages and helped clear up a few things in Revalations that previously I had missed or got confused. It was pretty cool.

The B and I headed to lunch at Panera and felt very ubran as we ate our lunch out on the sidewalk and had a good conversation, per the usual. It was warm but it was a beautiful day! After lunch we headed back to her place to begin packing up her apartment, it was hard to get motivated after awhile, I was supposed to be there to motivate her, but the first season of Friend's was sucking me in and she had the crack the whip. LOL. We made good progress and then headed off to meet D and his girlfriend S for dinner.

After a great dinner we headed off to play putt putt. I LOVE putt putt, and I didn't do to bad. We had a great time. There was a moment as we were climbing the stairs to the top hole where I felt as if I was floating above us all just watching, and I had this moment of clarity I guess where it felt like one of those life long memories, where I had to take in everything to remember, because it just felt like one of those moments. I'm glad I brought my camera. I couldn't imagine that 8 years later D and I would be hanging out with new people 5 hours away from where we met, still friends. D and I had talked the night before about the huge impact we've had on each others lives, just a sequence of events and people that have changed our lives forever. It was very strange and yet very comforting, I'm very thankful that God brought our lives together for those two short years.

On the way home from the putt putt, B and I passed a Catholic festival. We just had to stop and walk around, it was like a huge county fair! It had rides and booths and a d.j. it was quite entertaining to say the least. Right away I was laughing as we passed by the people smoking and drinking beer and then we found the HUGE gambling tent. I just laughed to myself and laughed with Bethany. I wasn't totally passing judgement, but it was just too funny to hear 50 cent playing at this church event. We did however get a GREAT funnel cake! Or course this was after our stop to get ice cream and smoothies...funny, thinking back that was a ton of calories, but oh well, we had a ton of fun!!!

Monday we slept in, B said we slept for almost 12 hours, it felt good, it probably would have felt better had the air bed not gone flat, but it was nice non the less. ;) Come to think of it, I should probably look around and find an air bed for them.....I'll have to remember that. So we spent the time packing and organizing, we really made good head way visually today, I felt good and B seemed to be a little more at ease regarding moving, so I think good work was done this weekend. :) Then we headed off to her sister's house for a cook out. It was a little different than the cookouts I'm used to where everyone is outside the whole time, but it was nice that everyone ate around a table, it was different, but very good. I did some male bonding with the guys while they worked on converting an old U-Haul to a work truck and then we headed back to watch some more friends and just chilax until I had to leave.

The drive home was good, I was a little tired but lost in thought. Thinking again about the future, and many other thoughts. I do love driving.

So I get home, find out there is no power and head over to the neighbors as the power came back on. At the neighbors I was drawn into getting caught up on all the exciting weekend of restraining orders, hospital trips and the drama I'm so lucky to have missed out on. It's not so much the neighbors as it's their extended family that seems to be so drama filled. I sat there zoning out and remembering what a great weekend I had, wishing I could have had another day at least. Oh well, back to reality.

Here's to a good week. :)


  1. Mr Papadopolous you are to much fun to hang out with. Oh, no, it's TO SEXY, no it is TO SEXY!

  2. ahem, I thought it was Mr. Belvadere.


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