A good weekend

So I actually had a good weekend, for once it was filled with laughter and goodness and relaxation, I love every minute of it! I know, strange feeling huh?

Friday I went off and shopped for my basic necessities like soap and shaving cream and such and realized how crazy Wal-Mart is on a Friday night. I figured I'd be safe because I thought maybe people had lives and wouldn't be at Wal-Mart on a Friday night, but obviously I was wrong, it was filled with every age of idiot known to man. I guess I have to include myself in there as I was there on a Friday night. But I found what I needed and ran off out of there. I finally got home and relaxed, had an evening of watching Six Feet Under, no house plans, no cleaning, nothing but me, a couple of snacks and relaxing, it was good.

Saturday I got up and took a shower and started the day without stress. I had the store covered for the day so I didn't have to help customers, didn't answer the phone, it was great. I helped set up for the diaper party, then the guest began to arrive and the fun began. All day I had such a great time, catching up with some old friends and enjoying not answering every bell and ring of a buzzer. One of my dearest friend's from Missouri stopped in with the family and I got to play cornhole with my godson and his little sister, I had such a great time. I don't get to see them often so I try to make the best of every moment with them. He remembered me and kept dancing around because he was so excited to see me, it just melted my heart. There is nothing like the hug of a 3 year old to make you turn to a puddle of happiness.

As they were getting ready to head back to her dad's I loaded the kids up with tons of candy, because if your godfather owns a candy store, there are certain things you are expected to receive right? :) It feels good to spoil them from time to time, I don't have much, but what I have I want to share with them. Then I was back to the party, I had such a wonderful time. It's been so long since I've got to enjoy a party at my house, it's a feeling I'm not sure anyone can fully understand until they've lived my life for the last 2 1/2 years.

As the party came to an end I hung out with some stragglers and then S and I headed to my friend's dad's house to visit, I was in rare form thanks to some wonderful adult beverages. :) Eventually we got tired and S dropped me off at home and I crashed, it was great.

Sunday S and I went on an adventure to find a van he was supposed to pick up, we finally found it, had lunch and headed back to our friend's dad house. We played some wonderful games of cornhole, which I finally improved on after three games or so and then the kids woke up from their naps and I began to wrestle with my godson. That kid has energy like I've never seen and we had such a great time. I pulled muscles I didn't even know I had, to hear that laughter and giggling I just didn't want to stop, but I'm much older than I remember and got worn out quickly. We had pizza for supper and spent more time catching up. The evening was stopped by her father not being able to breath and them rushing him to the hospital. I kept the kids entertained in the front of the house so they wouldn't have to watch him get loaded up and rushed off, they are too young to see that sort of stuff. I'm still not sure what happened as I haven't been in touch with her to find out what happened, I need to call tomorrow and find out what happened.

Monday was filled with trying to complete a GIANT order I had to get done and it took all freakin day and most of the night. Even after working job #2 I had to come back and finish quite a bit of work and was up until nearly 3am working, then was up this morning early to finish the work. It's been a long day and I've been fighting falling asleep all day, but we got slammed tonight at work and somewhere I found some good energy and now I'm just coming down from my high.

It's been pretty crazy lately, filled with ups and downs, but I'm making it, as long as I can stay focused. On an really great note the kitchen is DONE! There are a few more details I have to get and do and install, but I've been using it and I'm totally in LOVE with the space, it's everything I imagined and MORE!!! Woot! I'll have to get the pictures ready and posted, I'm very excited about the whole space and so glad it's done!!! Now on to other projects until I figure out the final details of the kitchen!! Woohoo!!

Well that's about all for now, just wanted to catch everyone up on the goings on in my life. : ) I know, you were on pins and needles just waiting. :)

Have a good day.


  1. I forgot to tell you:
    When mom was in Cincinnati babysitting Matthew they met Tony and I up for dinner. So mom tells Matthew on the way to Red Robin that they're meeting Aunt Bethany and her friend. Matthew perked up and shouted, "IS IT PETE!? I LIKE PETE!"
    Then when they walked up to where Tony and I were sitting on the bench he looked at my mom and said, "Grandma, this isn't Pete"
    lol, thought you'd like that story


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