Weekend Update

From Myspace:

Well as things calm down and/or get a little better I'm feeling more in a blogging place, so we'll give it a try again!

So last week seemed to pull my sales out of the slump they have been in and it felt good. It also brought the bad news that the new screen printer I had set to move in backed out, so I won't have schoolware to sell this christmas. I"m bummed, I had a space all set for it. Oh well I guess, roll with the punches, roll with the punches.

So I took my car to get looked at/ fixed on Friday and they did $100 worth of work to it. Friday I went to spend some time with Free and Charro and discovered that the car was not fixed. I need a whole new transmission, so the car is a gonner. I did however discover the car is drivable. I just have to shift gears like it was a manual trnasmission. It's not easy but I got used to it. I think I can squeeze a few more months out of it this way.

Free and Charro were very entertaining as usual. We watched Beauty Shop with Queen Latiffa. I laughed my butt off, it was actually a funny movie like they said it was! How could I doubt the Queen, she's awesome in all of her movies. She's one of my favs. Bet you didn't know that about me huh? ; )

Saturday, well what can I say about Saturday....oh yeah GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great game. We had a party in the back of the store so I could enjoy the game between customers. WE had a ton of food and lots of celebrating since we kicked butt. I'm very sad to see Carr retiring, we could use his coaching to win a few more games I think. But we'll see who replaces him. It was a good time and a great game!!!

Sunday was great. I went and spent the day with my friends Steph and Pedro in Toledo. We spent time catching up, picking on Pedro because he broke his leg very badly falling from a ladder cleaning out the gutters. He's doing much better, but he enjoys being picked on. Those two are such great people. They took me to eat at a place called Aladin's. Some of the best mediteranian food I've ever had! It was very good. Then I ran some errands with them, how sad that it was fun too! Then we sat at their place and talked more. What can I say, a day out of my house with fun people is fun, regardless of what we do!

It was a good weekend. This week will be short with Thursday being taken out, but I also have five days of cleaning at the Annex, it's going to be a long week at the same time. But such is the life I signed up for! ; )

Other than that, it's been pretty quiet on the homefront. I haven't done much blogging or emailing lately, I should probably do more, but I either don't find the time, or just don't have much to write about. There were some surveys I saw that a certain someone posted that are calling me, hopefully I'll get to them yet today. I always enjoy a good survey!



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