When did you decide you were gay?
Please do me a favor, anyone who reads this......Don't EVER ask a gay person this question. Why do I bring this up at a time I should be studying my ass off? This was brought up recently in a few blogs I've been reading and an online conversation I had. I did not just one day to up and decide I was gay, there was a point in my life when I finally accepted it, that's how it happened for me. Some know from birth, others don't figure it out until later in life, and some, like me, know the whole time but struggle and fight the idea until it's just too strong to turn from. As far back as I can remember I've always felt this way. While boys in grade school were talking about girls having cooties, I firmly believed it and I guess it never went away. I have always admired the same sex. I have been thinking back as far back as I can and even in elementary school I could tell you who the hotties were, back then I couldn't have told you they were hot, I would have...