Exhausted and Horny

How is it I can be so exhausted and yet feel so horny at the same time? It's a conundrum.

So these 17 hour days I think will kill me by the end of the week, but I have to do what I have to do right? I'm slowly making it and trying to stay awake throughout the day. I have no energy to do anything and yet I'm so borred. If I had the energy I could make myself do some things but I really don't want to. I've been searching through the blogs that I read and following links to other blogs. I am truely obbsessed with blogs, I love reading about other people's lives, and especially some of the gay ones. They have some hot photos and some hot stories, but honestly just a regular blog from a normal gay guy is great too! It's wierd, I can hear the same story from a straight guy, but somehow the same story from the gay man takes on a new perspective, and I just love it. I guess that's a little strange, yet sooo true.

I'm having problems waking up in the mornings and I fall asleep off and on throughout the day, not on purpose but because my eyes are so heavy they want to stop. But I keep going.

I would like to take a minute and discuss some serious gay issues, but I really am not educated on such a thing, just what I hear in the news. I hear about the Republicans wanting to ban gay marriage, wanting to send the gays right to hell and it drives me up a wall. I myself claim to be a republican, and somehow every group I once believed in would not accept me for who I am. How sad is that? I was a huge fan of West Wing when it was on t.v. and there was an episode where a republican senator was arguing with Josh and Josh asked him how he could be a republican when his party doesn't approve of him? I loved his answer "Being gay is not all I am, it's only a portion of who I am. If you believe in the greater picture that's what you follow." It's so true, as much as I hate some of the things the republican party is doing, not just to me but as a whole I get so pissed.

The republican party of today is not a republican party. I like to think of them as democrat light. The both believe in bigger government and that goes against what the republican party was founded on. But enough years of corruption and suddenly no one can think for themselves and the government must grow larger to protect everyone. It drives me crazy. But that is another rant for another time.

Anyway no one is really reading this thing anyway, but I have fun doing it, so I guess I'm just writing to myself. How sad. : ( nah, it's more just for me anyway!!!


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