January Good things

Jan. 1: slept in and didn't get out of my pajamas until well after noon. It was wonderful.

Jan. 2: had a good relaxing day with the roommie and we even managed to be productive!

Jan. 3: started the gym this morning, it was rough getting up, but felt good about the reason.

Jan. 4: Got my room clean and laundry done and put away. It's a great thing and makes me feel good!

Jan. 5: I got up this morning on my own and did a mile on my treadmill before work. Even having the chance to sleep in since we weren't going to the gym I got up anyway and got some cardio in before work. Seriously? What's up with that? lol.

Jan. 6: Got to catch up with some coworkers today, it's a great group and makes the job feel less lonely, finally.

Jan. 7: Had a good work out, it was really early, but it's feeling good to be taking care of myself.

Jan. 8: Came home from work and laid on the couch for a few hours and did nothing. It felt good after a long day.

Jan. 9: Had lunch with my Cincinnati family today. It made me feel really good.

Jan. 10: Good workout today. That was the extent of good stuff. lol.

Jan. 11: Had a rough day, my good thing is having a roommate with such wisdom.

Jan 12: Made a great dinner, I never thought I would enjoy cooking as much as I do.

Jan. 13: Spent some time with the boys tonight building stronger friendships. It's not always easy, but it's a good not easy feeling. lol.

Jan. 14: Had a day that wasn't awful, something clicked in my head and made the day fly by.

Jan. 15: Spent some quality time with the boys tonight and enjoyed being out and about.

Jan. 16: Bought a new toy. A remote control helicopter, it's silly and ridiculous, but it's fun. lol.

Jan. 17: Left work early because I wasn't feeling well, but took a nap and felt a lot better.

Jan. 18: Pulled my head out of the sand for an issue that's been weighing me down. It's time to move past it and put it with the rest of the horrible store memories.

Jan. 19: It was a quiet day, it was good.

Jan. 20: Had Chipotle for supper tonight, not a great food choice, but so delicious.

Jan. 21: Had a night out with my Cincinnati family tonight and had a great night!

Jan. 22: Had an awesome night out at the drag show with some new friends and my awesome roommie!

Jan. 23: Good lazy day today barely moved off the couch after church.

Jan. 24: I'll be honest, the good thing for the day was getting up in time to work out. That's all. lol.

Jan. 25: Felt like I actually accomplished something today with the shelves in the laundry room.

Jan. 26: Compiled a list of doctors.......finally.

Jan. 27: stopped listening to the voices in my head long enough to hear God answering my most recent questions and understanding the answer. Funny how when you ask for neon signs from him you just don't stop long enough to notice them flashing brightly right in front of you.

Jan. 28: Long trying day but ended well with movie night with the boys. Just what I needed. If you haven't seen the movie "Red" I highly recommend it.

Jan. 29: Night out for a soccer game. Good times.

Jan. 30: Good sermon today and another relaxing day.

Jan. 31: Today was a good day at work, only one or two crazy calls and plenty of happy people. It's rare in this industry and well worth noting.


  1. Sounds like an excellent month.

    Did you get your remote control helicopter at Brookstone? According to the uber geek I work for, :-) they have the best one in the market. His was more expensive than I'd have ever paid for a toy, but I'm glad he has it and shares! :-)

  2. Not brookestone, traders world, it is a flea market. Lol. I paid less than $40.


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