Myspace blog

Yes It's true.
After battling with the decision for quite some time now, it is official. The store is now for sale.

For anyone interested please contact Dirk Meyer at Whalen Realty and Auction at 419-599-4931.

Included is the business, the real estate and all contacts and recipes. Everything goes except for my personal items. Ever dream of owning your own business? Now is your chance. Updated electric, updated plumbing and 3 occupied rental spaces with the potential for 2 more. What better way to open a business than with an income already built in?

I've grown tired of this as my heart is no long in it. I am going to return to my profession of architecture, and hope to sell the store to someone that will take care of it and take it to the next level. Any questions feel free to email me or contact Dirk.


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