Oh boy.

Went to Michigan today and while I had some of the same feelings of nostolgia that I normally get when I'm around the old neighborhood this time it came with a sense of hope.

I remember what it was like to be around the city, the driving, the people, the things to see and the things to do, it was wonderful. I can't wait to get back to it!! I had such a great day, we had a great dinner at Mongolian Bar-B-Que. If you've never been to one, you must go right away, they are fantastic!!! I got my parents hooked on them when they were visiting me in Michigan and it's been a family favorite ever since. I've already checked the Cinci area and found one fairly close, so I'll be fine with the move lol.

I also located an outlet mall with my favorite store Casual Male within an hour of Cinci, so that's good too. :) I spent more money than I was anticipating today, but it much needed. I bought 3 pairs of jeans, I've never had that many pairs that fit and I liked before!!! I'm so excited! Plus I got some new undies, two new shirts and a new belt. Oh it felt good!!! I can finally have some good clothes to wear again!! I haven't bought new jeans in a very long time, I had patched the 7 pairs I wore out and now I wore them out again, this time beyond repair.

The waiter that helped us today was so cute, and the grill guy was just so dang beautiful. He had the hottest blue eyes I've seen in a long time, everything about him was just breath taking. I hope no one noticed my oogling. lol.

Well anyway I'm going to watch my Sunday night t.v. and call it an early night, I'm hoping it will be a better week than last week!


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