Random thinking.....
So this weekend I was reading a book called Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. It's a pretty feakin awesome book. It's basically to me a normal average everyday jo bringing religion into an everyday language. It's really interesting and I came across a portion that really jumped out at me and said alot to me. I'm paraphrasing but it basically said that single people have a hard time relating to the concept of unconditional love with God because we don't/haven't experienced it in life. He says it alot better than I do, but the book is in the other room and lets face it, I'm pretty lazy. ; ) I woke up from my reading slumber and was like "WOW" that just said so much to me, and helped me feel a little easier about some of the feelings I've been having lately and some of the struggles I've been dealing with. I have only ever really felt that relationship with my parents and siblings. And while there is definatley unconditional love, I've ...