A blog from myspace

Wow, I hope I remember everything I've wanted to talk about!

I have just been so busy I haven't had the time to blog! So last weekend I took a few hours off and drove to Michigan to meet with L and S for dinner. Dinner was just the best as always! Besides being a little more than fashionably late things went great. It was so great to see the girls again! It had been three years since I had seen S and nearly two years since I had seen L. We had an awesome time and then after dinner we headed back to S's house.

I fell in love with her house and we sat and chatted, we caught up, watched some movies, watched S pass out and L and I were up to all hours of the morning talking, about nothing in particular, just talking. S is quite the host and quite the decorator! So anyway the next day after saying goodbye I headed back to my old stomping grounds of Novi, Milford and South Lyon. I didn't get to hit Southfield this time, I'd like to see campus again.

When I was in Michigan I was reminded about the life in a city that I missed, life in it's self. The streets were loaded with people, activity everywhere and so much to do!! It's not so much the fact of stuff to do it was always the option of having something to do. I don't like to go out all the time, but having the option was always great. I always felt great going to get take out and walking to the place to pick it up and be around people, seeing activity, it's something I miss so much. On the streets of Ferndale were people of every race, mentality and look, it was so great. I felt alive. Alot of that probably had to do with the company I had with me, but I actually missed living that close to activity. Then I look around here and even in the middle of the day you can't find activity anywhere other than Wal-Mart. Would I move back to Michigan? No, sorry, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that. but what it did help me realize is that I'm not meant to retire here, I'm not meant to spend the rest of my days here. I don't know when my time here will be meant to end, but when the time is right it will happen. It was such a strange realization. I have time to decide if it's a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" or if it's true feelings.

So anyway a big part of what has been happening to me was left out. On Saturday I was cleaning my meat slicer (anyone want to guess what I'm about to say?) and yes I sliced my finger, pretty bad. It took a nice chunk out of my index finger which has made typing quite interesting to say the least. I've gotten much better, I learned to wrap the bandage in a way I can use my finger tip to type. ; ) But it's one of the reasons I haven't blogged in nearly a week! It just hurt to damn much to keep hitting it on a key. But it's getting better. My nurse aunt said it's healing very well. ; )

So we finally finished the rental space! The electrical inspection went very smooth and I got some good advice on future work. It was much easier than I had ever thought. There is still some basic paperwork I need to take care of, but my uncle can move in. He's already started and tomorrow he's going to be doing a majority of it. I've been so incredibly busy with a 300 person catering order I haven't really been able to really enjoy much of anything. I spent two solid days cooking, slicing and preparing food for this order and the check made it all worth it. Oh so worth it. ; ) I think I could get alot of work out of it too, the 300 people that ate the food all drive past this place to go to work and on their way home from work. Yeah!

Lets see, what else.... With the additional renter in the building the opportunity arose to upgrade the internet service here as well as....ready?......I HAVE CABLE!!!!! It was installed today and I'm LOVING it. The first show I watched tonight was Alice! I'm not sure if any of you remember the old show, but I loved it on syndication when I was growing up. I also got to watch a full hour of Who's the boss! yeah I'm the only person that gets cable to watch shows nearly as old as he is! I'm strange I know, but you gotta love me!

Today I also had to replace two tires (again) It caused some serious mental issues. In one day I had to spend an entire paycheck from two weeks. I just deposited the thing this morning and as of 5 o'clock it was gone. Even more than gone and I've got to survive another two weeks yet. I think it's a good week for the business to pay me. ; ) Not the greatest time as the first three months of the year are always the roughest with lack luster sales as well as renewing licence and fees. But I'll make it, somehow I always do.

So next weekend I'm going to Cincinnati. Finally. I had to cancel my last trip because of work related problems at Wendy's and help related problems for the store, but I have every base covered, I will take the weekend off and live a life. I'll be leaving here on that Friday night and not returning until Sunday night. I haven't done that in nearly a year! How sad is that? Try to imagine that sometime!! I'm so excited I can hardly wait! I think everything is finally in place.

So anyway, how are all of you? I've been all over the place mentally. Tomorrow I'm going to get through my store and get some things organzied and cleaned up. In the last few weeks things have gotten out of hand and it's been driving me crazy it will be a good time to get my head clear as well as get the store to look better. I'm ready for the year and hope it brings in the kind of money this past week did! Not so much from the in store sales, but the invoice sales have been great! it's like having an addition 4 days of business in a week! Woot!

So anyway, that's the update, cable has me feeling too good to be all sappy and depressive to have a truely thoughtful and provoking blog. Sorry if that's what you're expecting. maybe tomorrow or so I'll get deep in thought and do something on blogger. If anyone is interested in the address of that blog, just let me know, I'll point the way. ; )


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