How do money and happiness work together?

So I've spent most of my day today thinking about the balance of money to life and thinking about the reasons I moved to Cincinnati and left behind everything I once knew. I had an interview today for a job I really think I would enjoy, and could be really good at and grow well into. A job I was excited about. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'll be hearing about it tomorow or Monday.

After the interview I came home and my phone didn't stop ringing. People wanting their money was a couple of them of course. Another call I recieved was from Speeday, a call I had given up on long ago. They are ready for the next step in the interview process. I remember when I interviewed I was very excited about the money aspect of it, but that was the only exciting part about the job. I would be running a carryout with a schedule worse than what I worked at Wendy's. It's everything I've done except someone paying me better for it, but it dawned on me the other day.....aren't those the things I was moving away from?

I put off the interview with S.W. until the middle of next week because I want to see if this other job is going to pan out and I really needed to think about this because I'm really thinking that I don't want to accept the speedway job. Happiness is a factor, isn't it? I would be making good money, but at what cost? 50 hours a week isn't bad, but being on call 24/7 just doesn't have the appeal I thought. lol. I'm not sure what I'll do, I have a several days to think about it, so we'll see.

I just always have such a hard time balancing my happiness with money. I spend so much of my time thinking about money, usually at the cost of happiness. While I like working hard, I think I'm getting too old for the constantly working crap I've been doing for the last 10 years. It might be nice to put my energy into something I could enjoy and if the money isn't there right away, it will come......right? I just need to get that damn business closed, that would solve a lot of these problems.

All in time right?

Well I think I've ranted and whined enough for one night. lol.


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