Good things for September

September 1: I so waited so long I forgot this day

September 2: yeah, this one too. Sorry!

September 3:Visited my home town and spent quality time with my family.

September 4: The weather is absolutely beautiful today.

September 5: Talked to my LeighAnn tonight, long over due!!

September 6: Made a fantastic dinner that took me by surprise. Yes food was my good thing for the day. lol.

September 7: I got the news of Jake and Cody's visit and requested the time off of work so I can enjoy their trip!

September 8: had a great lunch with two great friends, also got great news about closing getting scheduled!

September 9: I had such a great drive home, perfect temperature, good traffic, and good thoughts.

September 10: I finally got to sign off my business after 9 months of dealing with the buyer and after nearly 5 of the craziest years of my life. It's done and I couldn't be happier!

September 11: Today was uneventful and today that's my good thing. It sounds crazy, but thinking back to 9 years ago, who I was, where I was, and the kind of day it was, just being me and being where I'm at is my good thing for today.

September 12: My roommate arrived home after a week and I was reminded how nice it was to live with someone again.

September 13: Got my acceptance letter for the new job and while the start date is later than they originally thought, the pay is slightly higher and they offer better benefits than I've ever had at any of my jobs. I'm so freaking excited!

September 14:Had a good day at work, nothing overly exciting, just a pleasant day getting to know a coworker and keeping busy the whole day. Simple days can be so nice.

September 15: I had a productive day off today and even got to fit in some socializing in the evening. I don't do that nearly enough yet.

September 16: Got to have a couple of drinks and some hilarious conversation with my roommate tonight. It was so awesome to be able to celebrate the end of my business with someone in person! She also got me a fantastic water bottle I've been wanting. :) Good roommates rock!

September 17: I got to catch up on some long overdue bills and now the calls can finally stop. I also got the relief of paying back 3/4 of the amount I owed my parents and the financial relief I gave them made my day.

September 18:I had an awesome night out downtown with Dave and Dan! I got to see quite a bit of downtown, how I love being downtown.

September 19: Had a most delicious pot roast dinner with the chef, a.k.a. my rockin roommate and enjoyed an evening of Alias.

September 20: I felt appreciated today, it's happening more often than it used to which is good, but there are somedays it just feels better and today was one of those days. :)

September 21: I had a conversation with my brother that made me feel like we were both grown ups. It meant a lot to me that he called to get some advice from his "little" brother.

September 22: There is no better way to end a rough day than with a beer or two with a fantastic roommate.

September 23: Today was the last of 9 days straight of working. Finally some rest and relaxation.

September 24: Finally got my eyes checked after 5 years and order some new glasses and got a new pair of contacts! My eyes feel so much better already.

September 25: Had a celebration like no other and was made to feel like the most loved human being on the planet. God has blessed me with some of the most amazing people as friends. I finally feel like I've actually celebrated appropriately for the big steps that have been taken lately.

September 26: it was beautiful weather to sit outside with the roommate and a nice night to watch some Alias.

September 27: Today I cleaned the house and returned it back to the normal house of two people rather than the house of four and other than that relaxed, didn't leave the house and relaxed.....and didn't feel guilty. It was beautiful.

September 28: The two workmen that insulated the attic today were so cute, yes, my good thing for the day was the eye candy I was able to enjoy for most of the day. lol.

September 29: My GPS unit came in the mail today!! Woot!

September 30: Had a great dinner with friends and coffee out with the guys tonight. It was a good day. :)


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