Lost and exhausted

There are many days where I stop and wonder what I am doing, what change I am in the process of and where is it leading? I wonder if I am on the right path, if I'm making good and healthy choices, and where this path is headed.

There are days I get so overwhelmed by the little things, by the day to day living that I lose sight of the bigger picture. Days where I let anger, bitterness or even envy dictate my decisions.

Some days I withhold love and affection just to see what happens. Times I withdraw from society just to see if anyone notices. There are times I get angry about things that don't matter, things I feel aren't fair and angry at who I am.

I worry about the past even though it is just that, the past. I worry about the future and if I am strong enough to handle it, or am willing to accept the joy it holds.

Sometimes I let all of this distract me from the present and the wonders, the joy and the gifts that are right in front of me.


  1. Did you sneak into my head again? Are you certain I didn't write this one?

    I think we might have been separated at birth or something. ;-)


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