November Good Things

Please stop judging me, don't be a hater, I know, I failed the blogging community by not putting together a list of good things for November. I have failed, but I'm picking myself up, dusting myself off and getting back on the horse. I promise.

So I thought since I failed you I would post a blog regarding the month of November in it's place but of course, it is now pretty late for that as well, but I figured you'd take what you could get. lol.

So the month of November entailed my first real month of my new job and everything that that entails. I found myself happy I had such a great class to be trained with, we had a wonderful trainer who entertained us and trained us well and I found myself enjoying it so much. The people I've been building relationships with at work are such good people, they are funny people and make me feel so good to be around.

The company I work for is actually very good, they value good employees and promote a close and family feeling in their departments and thrive on the success of each employee giving each person the tools they need to succeed and get wherever it is they would like to go within the organization.

The month has been full of opportunities to step outside of myself and my comfort level so it has come with some anxiety, but it's all in the name of good growth so I qualify that as a good thing. I have also been adjusting well to life in Cincinnati and mentally drawing a barrier between keeping a life in NW Ohio and realizing I can't always be there, my life is here now and if I don't commit to it, there won't be much of a life to have down here, a situation I lived through in Michigan when I lived there.

I've also had some amazing times with the roommate. While I was so hesitant to even live with someone because I'd lived alone for so long, it couldn't be better. I often find myself wondering how I ever lived the last 10 years on my own.

All in all this has been a great month and yes I'm keeping up with December so far. I have fallen but I'm getting myself back up and keep moving forward. :)


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