Myspace blog

well hello again!
Current mood: calm
It's summer and I haven't updated the store blog in awhile. Last time I updated Studio South was just working on getting into thier space. Well they are in and seem very happy. They did one hell of a job on the inside. And before you hear any of the rumors, everything is legal and up to code, so for those spreading the rumors (who probably have never heard of myspace) Suck it.

We are in the process of cleaning out the back room of the store. In the fall we will be relocating the kitchen to it's new home near the front of the store. At that time we will also be shutting off the back half of the store and persue renting it out to others. We've had some bites but nothing definate. The store is just too large for one person to run. We will also be looking for a new embroidery person to occupy half of the front room in the next month. I will be moving my stained glass supplies and creating a work space out front and begin selling that stuff too. The current company that does the embroidery has been late with the rent for nearly a year now and shows no interest in serving my customers, and is very hard to work with, so we will be parting our ways (Finally) and I will be working with someone new hopefully soon. That is, unless I find someone who wants to open a small shop up front, then I would rent that space out in a heart beat!!!!

I'm beginning to see a new direction for the store, we've talked about the meat market until we're blue in the face, and the investor and the butcher have both fallen through, so I've decided slowly I'm going to take this on myself. I see this place as a meat market/deli. I can serve fresh foods and cut fresh meat. I do need to get some approval for some of the things I'd like to do, but in time. Slowly but surely I'm going to make this place profitable before it kills me!!!

We are now working with a new and much improved supplier. We are going section by section and stocking and restocking with new and improved products and trying to expand the lines of products we offer. The new supplier carries a much larger line of products and seems very easy to work with. Bear with us.

As far as ice cream, I've now contacted 6 different companies who have all given me empty promises about bringing me ice cream. I never would have imagined it would sooo difficult to get people to take my money. It's rediculous, what kind of salesman turns down new accounts? I hope that someday I'm big enough that I don't need any new accounts or people coming in the store. I mean really, does that make any sense to you?

So anyway, on a personal note, my brother has worked his ass off and learned many new trades to complete my new personal bathroom in the house portion of the store, and it's fantastic!!! It's a dream bathroom and we'll be posting shots as he finishes off the final touches. He's done one hell of a job!!!!!

Well that's about it, I'm going to try and post some final pictures of the salon, if I have them come to think of it. hmmm......

have a wonderful Mohring's day!!!


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