Myspace blog

Welcome to Studio South
Well it's official. Studio South will soon be opening in the place of the old beauty shop. They will be working on completing the renovations and installing the new equipment. I am very happy to have some life in the back of the building again. We are also working on locking in a barber in the previous consignment shop space. These will be great additions to the Mohring's building. I can't wait to see what kind of traffic this will generate for the South Side.

We are still working on the meat market. It's getting more and more frustrating. I'm ready to start looking for a new butcher that would like to get involved, but no one I get will be as connected with suppliers as the other one is. I need to start riding some people too get them motivated. I'm very unsure why the lack of motivation is, it's a great opportunity and more money for the butcher than his current job that he hates. What's the problem? I wish I knew.

My best friend and I were discussing the future of my front room and the possibility of opening a candy specialty shop. If we can get the money together I think we're starting a business together in that space. I've had it with the current relationship with the athletic wear person I've been dealing with. I've sent out proposals to other companies to raise an interest in setting up shop with us. I don't want to get rid of the clothes, but a new supplier would be fantastic!! If everything goes as planned, I'll have to do after the after shots on the slide show because things are in for a drastic change once again! I look forward to it.

Other than that things are going alright. I am having a hard time getting out of the store to get supplies so that is becoming an issue, but I'm working on that. I can't wait to get to a point to hire some help. Once I get a few things situated I'm going to be taking the time to finish stocking the store. It's looking sad at the moment, but I can't do much at the present moment. I'm working on some new suppliers to get it delivered to me and make my life so much easier, but it all takes time and money.

Lunches are going well, not quite to the point I was hoping by now, but they are getting there. I'm still debating in my head about reopening on Sundays this summer, but I might do it just while school is out. But I really don't want to give up my days off. I would miss Sunday's so much!!! I may have to do a trial basis and see if there is really a need.

Well it's time to get ready for my other job, so I should get going. It's been real, it's been fun. Not sure if it's been real fun or not, but we'll give it some time!! ; )

Welcome to Studio South!!!!!


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