Myspace blog

new slide show
You know, as I loaded the pictures for the slide show I realized that I have some outdated pictures already! Some I never took completed shots of, and others I don't have the same angles, so you lose some of the effect.

We are closing in on our first complete year. It was November 1rst. of last year when we first moved in and began our demolision phase, November 4th. was a year that I signed my life away to the bank, and on December 1rst. we will be celebrating our first full year in business. I look at the before pictures of the store and think, how in the heck did I think I was going to do this? Now that the building is starting to look better I wonder how I'm going to continue to build the business. But many ideas are starting to form.

This holiday season we will begin doing gift baskets. We will have ordinary gift baskets, but we will be getting creative as well! It's going to be very exciting and should go over quite well. Also during the month of December we will be launching our new lunch menu. This will include some new cold sandwiches as well as a new hot lunch menu. The food will be delicious!

There is some talk about a used childrens clothing store moving into the old beauty shop, I'm not getting my hopes up, but added foot traffic would be appreciated! The consignment store has bitten the dust. The store has not done very well so we are liquidating everything we can to clear out the space once again. Once the space is empty I will be moving my stained glass studio into half of the space and the other half will be divided into hardware and storage. The stained glass studio is something I've always wanted and I believe will generate some income and be something you can't get anywhere else! Lets hope my talent is up for the challenge.

Other than that we are still plugging away at our projects. The garage is closer every day to being complete, it is now a sound structure and weather tight. It's a good change, next the electrical will need to be done. The next big project will be the new coffee area/deli storage. Then the biggest change, the new cash counter area. These are some very big changes we have in store so watch for pictures, or better yet, STOP IN!!!!! ; ) We could use the boost in business.

Well that's all for now, here's looking towards a profitable and happy and safe holiday season!!!!


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