Myspace blog

Potato Salad for Diplomats!
I'm not sure if he qualifies as a diplomat, but tomorrow afternoon my famous potato salad will be served to the "mayor" of Toledo Spain. Toledo Ohio is celebrating it's 53rd. year of sister city relationship with Toledo Spain and they are having the mayor over for a "Western Bar-B-Que" and they are serving my potato salad. They heard it was the best and have purchased 10 pounds for the affair. The woman is supposed to be emailing me pictures of him enjoying it. It's a very exciting time here!!

The store would also like to send it's prayers to Elwood. Elwood had a heart attack last night and is recoporating in a hospital in Toledo. He's o.k. and they said it was a pretty minor one, but we are still praying for him over here anyway!

Have a great day!


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