
Showing posts from July, 2009


No I'm not giving anything away for free, sorry to disappoint you lol. After reading B's 30 people who have influenced her life this past month I started to think about my own list, no real number of people, just everyone that has impacted my life in some way. I don't want to steal her idea because some of them I couldn't explain. I started looking through my blog here and realize just how much I've talked about S and it makes me sad that I've missed out on so many other people. I talk about S so much because he lives 6 houses down and I see him every day, he's my single partner in crime in a world filled with couples and families. We went to see F and C last weekend when we were bored because I hadn't seen them in awhile and F(ree) out of a joke (I hope) stated he had disconnected himself from me to make my moving away easier on him. I think he was joking, but it really hit home and made me realize, he really has gotten the short end of our frien...


So I've made some decisions regarding my store and I thought I would share them with you. As of August 21 I will be lowering the operating hours of my store to 8 hours a week to be all in one day a week. I will be returning to Wendy's full time 5 days a week working 40 hours. My big beer cooler is being shut down, hopefully saving hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on the electric bill. I'm closing most of my delivery accounts since they are fresh foods and such and will not be able to sell enough in one day to make it worth it. I will no longer carry things like the daily papers, milk and bread and such. I'm going to try and keep the deli operating on the day I'm open and for funeral orders and such until the sale. A big deli customer of mine is buying me thermal covers to cover the glass case on the days I'm not open to help it run more efficiently during these warmer months so I won't shut it down. If you were paying attention to the hours you'll...

Missed opportunities

So my friends Ron and Norm invited me to Ron's birthday party, Ron and Norm are the gay couple that befriended me and had me over at Christmas if you don't remember. I always enjoy their parties and their company. Each of them come see me at the store at least once a week and stick around for conversation, it's so nice. So anyway I found out I had to work tonight and wouldn't get to attend the party but they ordered a tray and I said I would deliver it because I had a bit of a break between closing the store and going into the night job so I wanted to be able to at least stop by since it's so rare I get to visit them. They said they had company for the weekend so there would already be people there. Ron and Norm know some of the most hilarious and kind people so I'm always interested in meeting their friends. When I arrived I headed down to the patio off of the basement where the beach to the pond is. Norm was there with another gay couple that I was introd...

Oh boy.

I really need to get a handle on these straight boy crushes, they are just not good for me. lol. One's not so straight, but has a thing for S now, I could have seen that coming. lol. Oh well, such is life. ;)

Our first sober heart to heart

I was amazed when I returned home on Sunday to find S calling me no more than 30 seconds after I had walked in the door. He had to come over ASAP to talk to me and had been calling every 15 minutes until I answered, and I just knew what it was about. This past weekend our friend from high school and Wendy's R was coming home for the first time in 9 years and wanted to see us. I of course was already going to Cinci so he was going to hang out and stay with S. I kept joking with S that R was coming home to be reunited with him and beg him to come back to Akron with him and start over. S just laughed and laughed. See R and S were each other's first for many things. They were friends in our group of friends from work and developed, somewhat secretly a love affair. It was not just about sex, it developed through so much more and while finding out was quite the secret filled drama year, we were all really hoping it would last. S and R are very different, R wears his heart on his...

Great conversations and a great weekend!

I wrote a rather lengthy blog entry on my other blog so I'll try not to repeat some of the same details over on this one, but it may happen lol. I know I've posted before in several different locations about how even amongst a group of people I feel so alone, and I just wanted to post for once that this past weekend was the first time I can remember I was amongst a group of people and never once felt lonely. It was fantastic. I even felt loved and accepted, and part of a community, it felt awesome. I knew I would love everyone, I already did before I met them, but I have a nervous disorder that makes me stress out in crowds, or when I'm around a lot of people so I took a handful of xanex to get me through what I thought could be a rough time. I didn't take a single one of them. There was not one moment that I felt overwhelmed or stressed out by anyone there, I just couldn't believe it! It's just very unlike me, I'm sure the few adult beverages I had hel...

Nearly another month has slipped by me.

Yes it's true, there are only 2 short weeks left in July! Where is the summer going? What have I been doing? It hasn't helped that it's been unusually chilly so far this summer. The air conditioner isn't running as much and I haven't really missed it. In an effort to blog more, here I am. This weekend a few of us were talking about blogging, and our google readers and such and how busy we all get reading through our google readers reading about the lives of others we start to neglect our own blogs that have their own dependent readers and eventually as we all do that, we will stop having more to read about. While in a conversation with my friend Cody he thinks that may not be a bad thing, I for one think it could be terrible. Cody and I discussed internet usage and time spent on the computer and how he struggles with watching people do it, but understands it's a hobby and connects people. It is because of the internet I have met such wonderful friends and wi...

What happened to June?

Wow, I went a whole month without an update on here? I didn't realize it had been that long, but the dates on the posts don't lie. I have had a rough month so I didn't really feel much like talking too much about it. Things here are getting tighter than ever before, I've had to go weeks without ordering supplies, pay my bills later and later, and I'm starting to panic about when it's all going to catch up to me. What exactly can I do? It's not a rhetorical question, I'm really looking for some answers! I just wish it would sell and I could just go away and be done. My realtor is not really doing much to get the word out, half my customers don't even notice, and over half the town thinks I'm closed already. I'm not sure how to fight all this, or even if I can. I'm on the search for a full time job, enough to cover the bills here and only have the store open part time, I don't do enough business in an 11 hour day to justify sitting...