
Showing posts from September, 2007

It's a rough time going

Well the sales at the store have been lackluster at best. I've been trying to come up with some new ideas about how to generate the traffic I need. I'm also trying to figure out how to finish stocking the store, trying to figure out how to pay bills, and all that fun stuff. IT's been a rough couple of weeks. This week seems like a way to dig myself out of the hole, but more and more keep coming up. I swear this place is a money pit at times! Eh, what place isn't really? WEll that's all for today, I'm exhausted from working my other job last night and need to get motivated or I'll be falling asleep.


Well I joined a chubby online dating thing, and I just got my first message. It's from someone that is not that far away, and it's got me thinking. I've gotten messages before but I've always declined because I was sure they didn't know how big I was, or I wasn't ready, or something was wrong with them. But I'm to the point now that I'm tired of waiting, I'm tired of putting it off. Maybe it's time to make sure this is who I am. So I'm thinking about sending this guy a message, it's time to just do it right? At least meet with the guy get to know him and see what happens. It's not like I'd be meeting him in town in my tiny town where everyone would find out, I'd meet him in the Big town near here where no one watches, and no one cares. Just the thought gets me going, it really gets to me in the pit of my stomach. A feeling of excitment, the thrill, I'm going to have to do it. I've always thought that I'm not...

It's the First Day of the rest of my life

Yes, today is the first day of the rest of my life. Today my bankruptsy was granted and I know am able to start fresh. I no longer have this huge amount of debt hanging over my head and I'm so thrilled. After hearing the news it took everything I had to not break down in relief. I was so happy, it was nice to feel the tears of joy dwelling inside of me rather than the usual tears of frustration. The amount of relief I feel is incredible. I still have a very rough road ahead of me, but I'm up for it. After a good nights sleep I'll be ready to roll. I'm not so sure when I'll get that good nights sleep yet, but sometime it'll happen. The store is currently seeing some down sales. I'm not sure why, I have some advertising to get done. It seems people have forgotten about me already. I'm still in the process of building an inventory to be proud of, it just takes longer than I thought. Slowly I'm getting there. I have some ideas of how to spar...

Check out my Slide Show!


The opening process

Well as I stated in the previous post things didn't go quite as planned. This building in parts are nearly 100 years old, there hasn't been a whole lot of maint. done on the place throughout the years. The owners just never deemed it necessary. As I started to dig further into it the worse it got. The grocery department was where we started. I had a dumpster placed outside one of the back doors and we filled carts with out of date products, old products and products I wasn't going to sell. Well by the time we were done with that we found we didn't have much of a grocery department to speak of. Three aisles of nothing is what we had. The oldest item we found that won our little contest was a package of Pie Crust Sticks by Betty Crocker. While there was no real expiration date there was a coupon on the back with an expiration date of 1980, yeah, our jaws were dropped and I managed to hang onto the package. I'm thinking of putting it into a shadow box to hang ...

The story continued

Well it was around late February when I discovered the store was for sale. Lets backtrack a bit shall we...... I grew up in the small town where the store was located, about four or five blocks to be exact, so I was no stranger to the store. My father would bring us up all the time when he had to grab something from the hardware department. Then he would disappear into the house portion to have a beer with Eldor and Norma would tend to us kids who would be oogling over the penny candy counter figuring out how to spend our 50 cents we had gotten from our father. We just had a grand ole time and Norma made the experience that much more fun by joking with us and laughing with us and treating us like real customers, it was always fun. As we grew up we always would still stop in, but as the store went downhill we spent less and less time in the store. We were growing up and didn't have much use for the store anymore and were always busy. After high school graduation I went to a sem...
Back in the late 1800's a family built a home. The home was on the main road leading through a very small farming town. The town was divided by a river and created nearly two seperate towns. The south side being more rural, and the north side where businesses ended up because of the canal. This family eventually sold thier quaint family home to a man named Eddie Fry sometime in the early 20's. Eddie built on to the house to create his own business, his dream, a saloon. Eddie's saloon was popular but as the years went along it became popular with a crowd most people didn't want, it became the "Den of iniquity" as the story goes. Eventually Eddie grew tired of the bar and closed it down. Eddie sold his bar to a family by the last name of Foebel. The Foebel's saw promise in the old business, as they worked day and night and began to improve on what Eddie had started. The put on a small kitchen addition and opened up Foebel's family restuarant in the late ...

All I want is a nap.

So my business has been hitting some bumps in the road here lately. It's been dragging me down and my sleeping patterns are all out of wack and it's leaving me very sleepy and irritable, it's just not a good situation. I work somewhere between 90 and 100 hours a week. It's getting old. It's been 18 months and I thought I was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, but it turns out it was just my eyes. Things just keep falling apart around me and I'm having problems coping. When things go good, something smashes me upside the head without me seeing it coming, when it's going bad it seems the good part is just soooo far away. There are days I just want to give it all up and go back to my old life, or a whole different life. But then I have a good day and realize why I did this to begin with. I just figured a business like this I should not have so much time to blog on a Saturday, I used to be sooo busy on Saturdays but here lately it has not been so. ...