
Showing posts from November, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ah, what a better time to blog than relaxing in the house all by myself after eating great food today. I have been gone for way too long. I was doing well blogging and then I moved, then I started working again and well, I'm not doing well with time management. For the most part that is what all the bad patterns I've been falling into involve. I have lots to learn, there is a word my roommate keeps telling me about that would help me, but I keep forgetting what that is....let me only had two letters in it.......ummm.......oh, I think it was N-O. It's a funny word that I'm still researching and I think I need to start practicing. I'm sure I'll figure it out, in my own way and in my own time. So let's see, what else to talk My new job is actually pretty cool, I can't say I'm in love with it yet because there is so much to get used to. There are so many regulations, so many different rules, so many managers and ...


I'm so far behind on things right now, not things that are vitally important, but minor things that are stacking up in my head. You know things like blogging, reading posts that are clogging my reader, cleaning this desk off, keeping up with laundry, cooking, etc... I find myself falling into some familiar patterns that I'm trying to stop, they are familiar, but they are not the same. I had this really strange blog in my head, but the coughing won't stop at the moment for me to make sense of it, so I'm letting it go. It's been less than 24 hours and I already forget what good health feels like. I'm a horribly pathetic baby, and I'm not even that sick yet. lol. I'll push through I promise.

October Good Things

October 1: Made the decision to take a week off between jobs and realized I have to give notice soon. More changes are a coming. October 2: I notified OM of my leaving in two weeks and things went well, it was a weight lifted and at the same time excitingly nerve wrecking. lol. October 3: An evening on the couch in my pajamas after work just felt really good tonight. October 4: I picked up my new glasses today!! October 5: I was sitting on the patio after work tonight and it dawned on me.......I'm actually living in Cincinnati. :) October 6: Parents came to town and we had a great day! October 7: I made a connection with someone today, it probably won't go anywhere, but it was nice to feel a connection. October 8: Had a great day at work, not much work accomplished but we had a good time. October 9: nothing bad happened today, that was my good thing for the day. lol. October 10: Pizza and Alias with my roommate. How did I live alone for so long? October 11: I had a very product...