
Showing posts from January, 2010

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I had to enable the word thing for comments because I got spammed on this blog now. I hate those things, but if it keeps the spammers away, I guess I'll do it. Sorry for any inconvenience. We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.
Well from such a heavy post onto some fun stuff. lol. So I went away last week for a couple of days to go see L. I haven't been up there in awhile and I really miss her energy and our conversations so I knew it was time. I also really needed a couple of days out of town because I was getting townie fevor. I hadn't left the city limits in almost three weeks and was about to lose my mind. lol. I don't know why I'm so restless. So anyway we usually spend our time together watching really bad horror movies. Not bad in a scary or gory kind of way, in a bad acting, bad plot kind of way and we make fun of them relentlessly. For instance, I can't hear about Dawn of the Dead without thinking about idiots hiding from zombies by holding up in a mall and playing house! I mean come on, they built themselves a little home in the storage area of a mall? yeah, stuff like that. For christmas she recieved a set of 17 hours of bad horror flicks from the 70's, we thought we...

The first decade.

I didn't really think about it during the last post, I really didn't think about it until today during a conversation I had with some of the employees that the first decade of the new century is nearly done. I always thought as a kid that 10 years was such a long time, a decade just sounded so far away. But then again I remember being in our school auditorium and being introduced to the class of 2000 when they started school and I thought how weird it would be to have a double zero on your varsity jacket. lol . I started to think about my job interview for my job in Michigan and when he asked where I thought I would be in five years. At the time I told him I hoped to be working for his company still, and truth be told it happened, but the five years after? Never would I have imagined my life as it is now. Where I've been, where I'm going, who I am now and the things I've learned both in life and about myself. I brought in the year 2000 in Tampa, and it was a go...

Happy New Year!

I had the intention of reviewing last year's posts and reflecting on last year like B did on her blog. I started reviewing my posts and by the time I got to June something came over me.....depression. Wow, my blog is so damn heavy! I could barely muster the energy to get through the year I had brought myself down so much! I did notice a strange upswing around August though....hmmm. I guess everyone is right that my mood changed after I stopped working hellish hours all the time. All I can say about last year is thank goodness it's over! I really should stop posting so much heavy stuff and maybe break it up a little with something fun and happy. Maybe I could concentrate on the good in my life from time to time. I do give myself a bit of a break because this past year I have gone through some pretty heavy stuff. My relationship with the people across the street that I thought was so family like, so strong and so loving turned out to be nothing but a charade, a facade, an...